Announcing Custom Scheduling and On-demand monitors

Discover our March updates: Run monitors manually or on schedule, provide feedback to the incidents model, and document Catalog assets


Melanie Yong

Updated on

June 17, 2024

Here’s our March round-up! We’ve released several powerful features to the Data Observability module to allow more flexible configurations for each monitoring type, so that you’re able to set up your validations in a manner that aligns with your needs.


Add custom schedules to Config monitors

Select option of Daily, Weekly, Monthly with the ablity to select hour and timezone.

Imagine this: you need to check for data freshness in your customer database daily, but inventory levels only require weekly monitoring. With custom scheduling, you can design a testing regimen that perfectly aligns with your specific data needs. Proactive identification of data issues becomes a breeze, ensuring your downstream workflows operate on a foundation of clean, reliable data. This translates to better decisions, faster!

This update allows you to run tests on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, with the abiliy to additionally define a specific hour of the day to run the check. Check out our docs here.

Run monitors on-demand

Run a monitor manually by adding a configuration to run one-off check.

Need instant insights into your data quality? We've got you covered. On-demand monitoring lets you fire up a specific monitor in just a few clicks, whenever the need arises. Let's say you notice a sudden drop in website traffic. You can instantly launch a data quality check on your user engagement table to see if there are any anomalies. On-demand monitoring eliminates wait times and puts you in complete control, allowing you to investigate hunches and gain peace of mind in real-time.

You can set up an on-demand monitor by adding a one-off configuration that can be run anytime. Check out how to here.

Give feedback to incident model

Increase or reduce sensitivity of incident alerts by giving feedback.

Our ML-powered tests, like Freshness and Volume, are now even smarter! We understand that your data is unique, so we've introduced a feedback mechanism to personalize your alert sensitivity. Imagine you're constantly bombarded with alerts about minor fluctuations in data volume that are actually normal for your business. With our feedback system, you can train your alerting system to reduce the sensitivity of these specific incidents, ensuring you receive only the most relevant notifications. Say goodbye to notification noise and hello to actionable insights!

Learn more the incident model feedback works here.

Add asset documentation in the Catalog

Add documentation to any table, job or dashboards in the Asset Details.

Dive deeper into the world of your data with our new documentation feature. Each asset now boasts a dedicated "Documentation" tab, serving as a centralized knowledge base for all things related to that asset. Think of it as a built-in instruction manual for your data! Add code snippets, external links, and any other relevant information to empower your team and data consumers to truly understand the context and nature of your data. Transparency and accessibility have never been easier!

If you’re interested in what we’re working on next, check out our Public Roadmap.

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