Safeguarding your information with industry-leading standards.
At Decube, we take your data security seriously. Explore the layers of protection we've meticulously crafted to ensure your data is fortified against any potential threat.
Reach out to security@decube.io to know more.
Safeguarding your information with industry-leading standards.
Ensuring your information is protected with the highest level of integrity.
Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your healthcare data.
Protecting personal data with robust privacy and security measures.
Your data is encrypted in motion with TLS and at rest with AES-256.
Verified data protection controls.
Only aggregate statistics in an anonymised data storage.
Data protection at rest and in transit.
Proactive vulnerability identification and mitigation.
Prompt incident disclosure and updates.
Uptime-guaranteed and incident-ready hosting.
A mark of data integrity, crucial for compliance, decision-making, and operational insights.