Collaborate on Data Assets with the New Feed

The new Feed feature in the Data Catalog module makes it easier than ever for users to collaborate on data assets.


Melanie Yong

Updated on

June 17, 2024

Collaboration is essential for businesses of all sizes. By sharing data and insights, teams can make better decisions, improve efficiency, and accelerate innovation. Ask questions, share tips, discuss data pipelines, and collaborate on data projects with ease.

Ask Questions directly on the Asset Details

Get instant help with data assets without needing to go into your Slack or Microsoft Teams. Ask a question like how you would on StackOverflow. You can post a new Question on any data asset Feed in the Catalog and decube will send a notification to the data owner and business owner of the data asset.

You can even @mention another user on the platform, effectively adding them to the thread.

Ask a Question and get answers on our new Feed.

Once Owners receive an email notification with the question, they can then go to the thread by clicking on the link in the email. This will bring them to the thread where the question was asked.

Owners and users mentioned in the thread will receive an email.

If you want to follow a thread and get a notification for each subsequent replies, you can do so by going to the thread in the Feed and click on "Get notified" on the thread. However if you wish to unsubscribe, you can also click on "Being notified" to turn off notifications or unsubscribe directly in the email.

Rate a data asset for better discoverability. 

You can now also add a rating to any data asset in the Catalog. This can help your data teams to improve the quality of their own data assets. When data teams share and rate each other's data assets, it can help to identify and correct errors and inconsistencies in the data. This can lead to improved data quality overall.

Rate an Asset on the Feed and leave a comment.

Rating a data asset can help with helping your business users to discover high-quality data assets. When data assets are rated by other users, it can help you to identify which assets are most valuable and reliable in the Catalog. 

Using the in-built filters in the Catalog, you can filter out unrated or data assets with less stars out of the search results. This can save data teams time and effort when they are looking for specific data to use in their projects.

Use the filter in the Catalog to see which assets are rated highly.

By rating data assets, data teams can identify the most valuable and useful data assets, avoid using low-quality data assets, discover new data assets, and collaborate more effectively.

Check it out today by connecting your data sources to decube and explore our Catalog - an integrated solution with data observability and governance. 

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